- Radically-changing market environment
Business environments of companies in Korea and other countries are rapidly changing. They are faced with unlimited competition with economic powers, skyrocketing of raw material and crude oil prices, more tightening environmental regulations, fierce struggles for existence not to be left behind in the in information age.
- Seek for a new paradigm that can lead the change
However, especially in times like this, each company needs to have more time to focus on creating synergy effects by constructing closer cooperation systems and exchanges of diverse information. In addition, they have to construct a paradigm and know-how to adapt to and deal with new changes without settling for the present. Daekyung Hichem Co., Ltd. is promoting a business utilizing not general products but new and special ones by communicating with clients, and trying to become a company that heads toward the way that Korea needs to take, co-develops with clients through new materials and products and leads the change.
- Your 1st Partner DAEKYUNG
Hence, we will be not only a valuable and clean company but also your best partner who continues to make efforts and fulfills social duties and responsibilities as caring for human beings and the environments.
Thank you.
President Byung Kil Lee